How to Free Up Space on Your iPhone without Deleting Everything


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How to Free Up Space on Your iPhone without Deleting Everything


The iPhone has become a necessity in this modern digital world. We rely on them for all sorts of things, including communication, work, fun, and relaxation. But as we take more and more pictures, record more movies, download more apps, and save more things on our beloved devices, the storage space on them might become inconveniently limited. The "Storage Almost Full" warning pops up all the time, leading us to ponder what to erase from our iPhones to free up space. In this post, we will discuss some reliable strategies for clearing space on your iPhone without losing any of your essential information.

Here are some tips for freeing up your iPhone storage 

1. Optimize Your Photo Library

Your iPhone's memory may quickly fill up with your photo and video collections. The "Optimize iPhone Storage" option can help you free up space. Photos and movies can be stored at their original resolution in iCloud, but smaller versions optimized for viewing on an iPhone can be kept locally. The originals are always available for download.

2. Clear App Cache

Safari, Instagram, and Twitter are just a few examples of popular apps that utilize caching to function more quickly. However, these caches can quickly rack up a large amount of disc space needs. To delete data stored by an app, select Safari > Settings > Clear History and Website Data (or the equivalent in your app). Your passwords and browsing history will remain intact.

3. Offload Unused Apps

Apple's iOS includes a handy function called "Offload Unused Apps." When activated, your iPhone will purge unused apps while preserving any data they may have generated. You can avoid losing any of your information should you ever need to uninstall and reload the program.

4. Delete Unnecessary Downloads

PDFs, pictures, and other papers that we've downloaded over time can quickly become overwhelming. To free up space, it's a good idea to go through your saved files and remove anything that's no longer required.

5. Manage Messages and Attachments

It's easy to forget how much room text messages and their accompanying media may take up. To make room, go through your messages and get rid of any unnecessary ones or large attachments. You can also choose an expiration date for messages.

6. Stream Music and Videos

Don't bother downloading songs and videos for offline use if you utilize Apple Music or another streaming service. Since streaming media doesn't require any local storage, it reduces the burden on your device's internal memory.

7. Store Files in iCloud Drive

To avoid eating up space on your iPhone's storage, iCloud Drive is a great solution. Upload your files to iCloud Drive so you may easily access them whenever you need to.

8. Utilize Google Photos or Other Cloud Services

Google Photos is an example of an app that provides free, unlimited cloud storage for photos and videos. Make use of such services to save space on your iPhone and back up your media.

9. Clear Safari Reading List

You can save online pages to read later using Safari's Reading List. However, after time, all of these sites can become cumbersome. Regularly removing books from your reading list will free up space.

10. Remove Unused Podcasts and Audiobooks

You can save online pages to read later using Safari's Reading List. However, after time, all of these sites can become cumbersome. Regularly removing books from your reading list will free up space.

11. Manage Your Photo Filters

You may modify your photos with a variety of filters right in the Photos app. However, as these effects are applied to images, more room is required. Remove unused filters to free up space.

12. Delete Old Voice Memos

While voice memos are useful, they can quickly fill up your storage space. Go through your voice memos and delete the ones you won't need.

13. Check Storage Usage

To view the iPhone's storage utilization in detail, navigate to Settings > General > iPhone Storage. If you want to free up space on your device, you need to know which programs and data are taking up the most room.

14. Clear Recently Deleted Album

Photos that have been deleted are moved to the "Recently Deleted" album, but they still count toward your storage quota. Don't forget to sometimes delete old photos from this album.

15. Regularly Update iOS

Apple often upgrades iOS with new features and fixes for existing ones. Keeping your iOS system up-to-date is one of the best ways to ensure you're getting the most out of your device.


With some careful organization, you can free up space on your iPhone without having to delete anything. You may have a smoother and more space-efficient iPhone experience by deleting unnecessary photos, cleaning app caches, removing unwanted apps, organizing and taking your messages, and taking advantage of cloud services. If you get the most out of your iOS device, it's important to keep it clean and up-to-date.


1. Will offloading an app delete my app data
A. When an app is offloaded, only the app itself is deleted; any data it may have stored remains intact. If you uninstall the program and reinstall it later, all of your information will be there.

2. Can I access my offloaded apps when I'm offline?
A. No, reinstalling previously offloaded apps requires access to the internet. When you want to use them, be sure your internet connection is reliable.

3. Is it safe to store files in iCloud Drive?
A. Your data is safe in iCloud Drive since it is encrypted and password-protected.

4. Will clearing Safari history delete my saved passwords?
A. Passwords are not deleted when you wipe Safari's history. They won't break apart at all.

5. What happens to my deleted photos in the "Recently Deleted" album?
A. For 30 days after being moved to the "Recently Deleted" album, pictures remain there before being completely removed. Get rid of it as soon as possible to make room.

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  • নামহীন
    নামহীন ২৯ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০২৩ এ ৬:০৪ PM

    Nice post

  • নামহীন
    নামহীন ১৪ অক্টোবর, ২০২৩ এ ৮:৫৫ PM

    amazing iPhone

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